
Right Patient, Right Care, Right Time
Assuring that patients receive the best possible treatment by decreasing errors and rebuilding trust in all healthcare settings. Deliver the best patient experience every time by easily being able to access, store and retrieve data relating to all patients health records. Healthcare technology administration is unquestionably modern, ushering in a fresh wave of change around the world. Whether you need a solution for a hospital, a general practice, or a pharmacy, Kestronics can provide solutions that are suited to your needs. Deliver the right care, to the right patient at the right time by managing real-time visibility and optimisation of workflow.
Positive Patient Identification
Identifying patients has been an ongoing challenge for healthcare organisations, mainly due to the fact that the identification process has been persistently manual. This can unfortunately in some cases lead to errors and patient harm, however with implementing an automated patient identification system there is an opportunity to eliminate this long-standing error and improve patient well-being. When patients receive treatment in a hospital facility, they are given an identifying number, which is commonly written on a wristband. Modern barcodes, on the other hand, provide a more straightforward technique to verify that the right patient receives the right care and medication dosage throughout their procedures. This also means that the barcodes can convey more information than just the patient's name and age, thereby improving patient safety. Simply scan the barcode to access the patient's electronic health records and verify any vital information. Mobility Strategies for all Communication Requirements

Technology Solutions for all your healthcare needs
Say goodbye to lack of communication between colleagues and patients with mobile working solutions. With mobile devices healthcare professionals can talk, share and text images instantly and securely. Kestronics understand that mobile devices will be subject to drops and spills and offer devices that are durable and can operate in these conditions. The devices that we offer are purpose-built with a particular protective coating to be able to withstand regular cleaning with harsh chemicals and disinfecting to kill bacteria.